CPM 22
formed São Paulo band in 1995 in the city of Barueri.
CPM 22 is one of the bands of more success currently in the scene of the Brazilian rock. Its musics basically deal with the emotions of the young, as loves, conquests and frustrations, with a sound inspired by the rhythm of the Hardcore/Punk of names as The Ramones, Garage Fuzz and also of alternative sources as Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins. As many other bands, the CPM started in underground, touching in small houses e for little public. Since that they had been contracted by a great recorder, its success was fast, reaching the mark of more than 200 a thousand copies, a sufficiently respectable number for the Brazilian market, taking in consideration the style of the band. The band exists since 1995, before called only CPM, (Acronym of post office box a thousand). Already in 1996, they had launched its first demon covers in K7 Format. A little later, in 98, the Wally guitarist changed the name of the band for CPM 22 (Two 22 Post office box A thousand and [ Twenty and ]), and entitularam the second demon covers with the new name. The agenda of shows was growing e, consequently, the collection for new material. New compositions had appeared, always with the Hardcore mark of the band and the result was the independent COMPACT DISC "A Some Kilometers of Nenhum" Place;. In 2001 CPM 22 signed contract for the stamp of the Music Armory with the recording Music April, thus recording album CPM 22, already with traces pop in its musical style where "O left the success World of the Voltas" e "Tarde of Outubro" e some already known by who folloied them as "Anteontem".. The partnership relieved plus an album, it "Chegou the Hour De Recomeçar". "Desconfio" , "Dias Atrás" e "Não Sei To live Without Having Você" "Atordoado" had marked its career with right the participation of music; in a novel of the Globe " Of The Color Of The Pecado". In 2005 the band launched the album Instantaneous Happiness, always alternating between quick musics in the style Hardcore Melódico and slower musics with taken pop, as in the two albums Minute for the End of the Mundo" anteriores.Esse albúm was very important therefore of it more left one the musicas of the band touched in the radios of Brazil... "Um; (music this that they already albúm only had composition the years however in had decided to record it), another conquest with this compact disc was music "Irreverssível" that it in such a way presenteou them in the radios as in the MTV in festival VMB as "Melhor clip of the Ano". In 2006, it launched its first disco(e plus a DVD) to the living creature, MTV To the Living creature that is a register of the career of the band. In contrast to many "Ao Alive MTV" they had chosen a more private place thus., coming back the origins, musics had been executed in a scene undergound with little more than 2 a thousand people in return of the band. Of the same work they sairam hits "Inevitável" e "Além of Nós". Programmed for end of October of 2007, saira its 4 entitulado album "Cidade Cinza", of which already we can hear single "Nossa Música" in the main radios.
Fernando Estéfano Badauí - Badauí - Voice
Ricardo Di Robert - Japinha - Battery and vocal
Eduardo Ippolito Torrano Gomes - Wally - Guitar and vocal
Luciano Garci'a - Luscius – Guitar
Fernando Sanches Takara - Fê/ Fernandinho - Low
MTV To The Living creature (2006)
Instantaneous happiness (2005)
Arrived The Hour De Recomeçar (2002)
CPM 22 (2001)
To Some Kilometers of Place None (2000)
CPM 22 (Demon Covers) (1998)
How For Moral (Demon Covers) (1996)
MTV To Living creature CPM 22 (2006)
Instantaneous Happiness DVD (2005)
Felipe Moulin Nº 10
Filipe Xavier Nº11
Jonathas Batista Nº19
Juliana Bueno Nº20
Philip Marques Nº36
Fontes: www.cpm22.com.br