segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2007

vegetal oil as combustible for automobiles For Mario Osava* In search of a more ecological fuel Brazilian researchers explore the possibilities of biodiesel, that it uses insumos as the used oil to fry potatoes in a chain of fast food. The formula goes to allow the reduction of the emission of gases that provoke the effect greenhouse. RIO DE JANEIRO. - The used oil in the potato preparation you fry of the net McDonald' s is one of the ingredients of a new fuel that if develops in Brazil to substitute the derivatives of oil in the automobiles. From February, ten vehicles go to circulate in Rio De Janeiro, being used a mixture of 5% of vegetal oils with oil diesel. The project of the state government is in such a way to increase the number of users of the new fuel - called biodiesel - how much the ratio of vegetal oils in the mixture to use to advantage integrally its advantages for the environment, economic and social. The goal of the Virtual Institute of Climatic Changes, a technological center of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, that carries through the research, is to create conditions so that the engines are fed with biodiesel pure. That is, a fuel elaborated solely with oils of grains and biomass. The first proportionate benefit for this alternative fuel is ambient, therefore its emission of carbon dioxide is 78% inferior to the one of the oil diesel. In this manner, it will have a contribution for the reduction of the gases that provoke the effect greenhouse, that increases the temperature of the Land. Moreover, biodiesel eliminates 98% of sulphur, what it allows to still more reduce the pollution provoked for the fuel burning. Its use will facilitate the installation of catalysers in the vehicles that use fuel diesel, today impossible had to the extreme sulphur escape, explained to the Terramérica Luciano Bastos, coordinator of the project. A curious fact, and another advantage, is that the used oil is also used to advantage already. The research of the Institute and the ten first vehicles of tests use insumos supplied for the net McDonald' s. The project will continue counting, in next the two years with a monthly donation to at least 25 a thousand liters of used oil, used to fry potatoes in 40 store of the net installed in the region metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro. This possibility to use greasy residues can reduce the ambient pollution, but she is necessary to surpass the collection difficulties. But it is possible in areas metropolitans and with great suppliers, Bastos observes. The project made right for the Federal University, governmental entities and the Petrobras intends to give massive use biodiesel, starting for the State of Rio De Janeiro. This goal very demands superior volumes to the possible contribution of the restaurants. The vegetal oil consumption in Brazil arrives the 3,5 billion liters per year, while of oil diesel is of 36 billion liters, alert Bastos. The exploitation of the residues of the kitchens would provide only ten million annual liters, due to dispersion of the sources. So that the alternative fuel is a reality, she is necessary to multiply the agricultural production. Therefore, the Secretariat of the Agriculture of Rio De Janeiro placed to the disposal of the agriculturists 500 hectares in the North of the State for the maize plantation, castor-oil plant and sunflower.


1-Que vantagesn trazem esse combustível?

2-Ele é mais econômico?

3-Ele pode se tornar comercializado a população?

4-Vitrazer mais rendimento aos seus produtos?

5-Seu rendimento será maior?


sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2007

What it is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a done vegetal oil fuel a animal fat. This oil is mixed alcohol (or methanol) and later stimulated by a catalyser. The catalyser is a used product to provoke a chemical reaction between the oil and the alcohol. Later the oil he is separate of the glycerin and filtered. The process generates two products, esters and glycerin. Many vegetal species in Brazil exist that can be used in the production of biodiesel, as the oil of sunflower, the peanut, mamona, the soy, mamona, babaçu and excessively oleaginosas, or of animal fats, used in engines diesel, any concentration of mixture with diesel. The biocombustível derived from renewable biomass, for the use in engines the internal combustion with ignition, for compression or, as regulation, for generation of another type of energy, that can substitute partial or total combustible of fossil origin. The compression (diesel) without necessity of modification in the same can be used in an ignition engine. Biodiesel is the name of an alternative fuel of clean burning, produced of domestic resources, renewed. He does not contain oil, but it can be added forming a mixture. The Biodiesel is simple of being used, biodegradável, not toxic and essentially free of sulphurated and aromatical composites. It can be used pure or in mixture with the oil diesel in any ratio. Diesel of low sulphur text has application similar when in mixture to the oil, because it grants to this, better characteristics of lubricidade. World-wide was transferred to adopt it a nomenclature sufficiently appropriate to identify the concentration of the Biodiesel in the mixture. It is Biodiesel BXX, where XX are the percentage in volume of the Biodiesel to the mixture. For example, the B2, B5, B20 and B100 are combustible with a concentration of 2%, 5%, 20% and 100% of Biodiesel, respectively.
The experience of use of biodiesel in the fuel market if has given in four levels of concentration:
• Pure (B100)
• Mixtures (B20 - B30)
• Additive (B5)
• Additive of lubricidade (B2) The mixtures in volumetric ratios between 5% and 20% are most usual, being that for the B5 mixture, no adaptation of the engines is not necessary. Biodiesel is perfectly miscible and quimicamente similar physicist to the mineral oil diesel, being able to be used in engines of the cycle diesel without the necessity of significant adaptations. By being biodegradável, aromatical not-toxic and practically free of sulphur and, an ecological fuel is considered. As one is about a clean energy, non-polluting, its use in a conventional engine diesel results, when comparative with the burning of diesel mineral, in a substantial reduction of monoxide of carbon and hydro-carbons not burnt.


Catalyser = Catalisador
Esters = Ésteres
Sunflower = Girassol
Soy = Soja
Renewable = Renovável

1- Analise o texto e diga como os combustíveis fósseis podem ajudar na diminuição do efeito estufa.
2- A partir de que produtos naturais consegue-se extrair combustível renovável?
3- Descreva o processo para a obtenção do biodiesel
4-O biodiesel pode ser usado misturado a outros componentes, como ele pode ser classificado quantos a essas misturas?
5- O biodiesel pode ser considerado um combustível ecológico? Por que?

Gabriela nº 13
Karoline nº 22
Lucas nº 26
Maristella nº 28
Renan nº 38

quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2007

Alternative Fuels

Alternative fuels are derrived from resources other than petroleum. Some are produced domestically, reducing our dependence on imported oil, and some are derived from renewable sources. Often, they produce less pollution than gasoline or diesel.
To promote alternative fuels, the Federal government offers tax incentives to consumers purchasing qualifying alternative fuel vehicles.

Ethanol: is produced domestically from corn and other crops and produces less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuels.

Biodiesel: is derived from vegetable oils and animal fats. It usually produces less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel.

Natural gas: is a fossil fuel that generates less air pollutants and greenhouse gases.

Propane: also called liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a domestically abundant fossil fuel that generates less harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases.

Hydrogen: can be produced domestically from fossil fuels (such as coal), nuclear power, or renewable resources, such as hydropower. Fuel cell vehicles powered by pure hydrogen emit no harmful air pollutants.

Fossil Fuels=Combustiveis Fosseis

1 - Como o Ethanol ajuda no efeito estufa?
2 - O Biodiesel é formado como?E como ajuda na atmosfera?
3 - Que tipos de combustiveis alternativos existem?Cite 3 exemplos.
4 - De que modo é feito os combustiveis alternativos?
5 - O que o Governo federal oferece?

Igor Mesquita nº18
Natália nº32

Alternative fuels

Alternative fuels

Alternative fuels, also know as non- conventional fuels, are any material or substance that cam be used as a sourse of energy instead of fossil fuels or conventional fuels. These fossil fuels include petroleum (oil), coal, propane and natural gas and are largely employed as vehicle fuel and in industry as well.
Nowadays, the reseach for alternative fuels has been increased once conventional fuels have had an important role in many problems, mainly environment, economic and geopolitical ones. Firstly, the combustion process of these compounds yeasts carbon dioxide, one of the most important gases associated to the greenhouse effect. The infrared rays, which come fron the sun every day, are absorved by these gases resulting in global warning. Moreover, the incomplete combustion yeasts carbon monoxide, a dangerous subtances that links to hemoglobim molecule in the blood, impairing the oxygen transport to the many body's tissue. The smock, also produced by these partial combustion, contains a lot of cancinogenic compounds, increasing the cases of respiratory tract cancer.
Another concern in the problem of "peak oil", which predicts a rising cost of oil derived fuels caused by severe shortages of oil during an age of growing energy consumption. Accordingto the "peat oil" phenomenon, the demand for oil will exceed supply and this gap will continue to grow, which could cause a growing energy crisis by the year 2010 or 2020.
Lastly, the majority of petroleum reserves are located in the Middle East. The massive exploration for oil in this region could lead to more conflicts and wars.
Considering these factors, the non- conventional fuels are now an alternative less hamfull to the enviroment, once they produce less toxic and polluent gases. Also, many of these fuels are renewable, being an interesting alternative to economic and geopolitical troubles caused by the fossil ones. This change may lead us to a new age of better quality of life.


coal: carvão de pedra
concern: concernir, interesse, assunto
environment: ambiente
gap: brecha, passagem estreita
greenhouse effect: efeito estufa
harmful: nocivo, prejudicial
impairing: deteriorando, prejudicando, danificar
nowadays: atualmente, hoje em dia
peak oil: auge do óleo
propane: propano (gás)
tissues: tecidos

1) Em relação aos combustíveis convencionais, quais os problemas causados pelo processo de combustão?
2) O que ocorrerá em meados de 2010 em relaçao ao "peak oil"?
3) Como são produzidos os combustíveis alternativos?
4) Onde se localizam as maiores reservas de petróleo? E o que a exploração em massa, deste combustível causa?
5) De acordo com o texto, os combustíveis renováveis são:
a) Criados a partir da junção de combustíveis alternativos com combustíveis convencionais resultando com combustíveis fósseis.
b) Uma nova alternativa menos prejudicial ao meio ambiente.
c) Causam grandes conflitos no Oriente Médio.
Danilo Lopes - n° 07 3°C
Ester Magalhães - n° 09
Gabriela Futemma - n° 14
Helder Celso - n° 16
Kamila Filareto - n° 21

Trabalho de Inglês: Combústiveis Alternativos

Comparative sample alternative fuel advantages and disadvantages for vehicles.

With the recent Brazilian efforts so that etanol is changedded into one “commodity” international, the debate was lit on the benefits of the biocombustíveis versus fósseis fuels, to the oil base. The diverse arguments, against and the favor, leave clearly that the solution of the question is far from being easy.

Comparative degree between fuelsThis also is the conclusion of a study that finishes to be published by two Norwegian scientists. Karl Hoyer and Erling Holden had compared the ambient costs of diverse fuels for automobiles, since the gasoline and the oil diesel, until that they are only technological promises, still far from the viabilização, as hydrogen.The result is one “ranking” that it can seem logical to the first sight: the gasoline and diesel, as it would be of if waiting, are in the last ranks. But zebras in the classification has some hidden supreendentes.The comparative degree enters alternative fuels for vehicles was made taking in consideration the energy expenses and the emission of pollutants in the stages of production, industrialization and consumption of some fuels. The use of energy, the emission of gases .causing of the effect greenhouse and the emission of pollutants had been computed local and regionally.Gasoline, diesel and natural gas and alternative fuel sources had been compared, as etanol, methanol, biocombustíveis and hydrogen.Of low to top in the classification, then after the vehicles the gasoline they come the vehicles bicombustible that consume gasoline and natural gas. “Any alternative fuel that we consider is better of what the cars who we use today,” say the researchers.The great champion in terms of ambient profits is the hydrogen, extracted of methanol and generating energy by means of cells the fuel. This is, however, an option still far from the economic viabilização and that, exactly of the point of view strict technician, still possesss problems to be decided.


Clearly- claramente
Between- entre
Sight- vista
Vehicles- veículos
Consumption- consumo
Effect- efeito
Sources- fontes
Researchers- Investigadores
However- entretanto
Efforts- esforços
Degree- grau


01-O quê o texto quer com o termo “zebras escondidas”?
02- Qual a colocação da gasolina e o diesel em relação ao “ranking” no texto?
03-O combustível Alternativo é relacionado a alguns problemas que não se soluciona. Quais são eles?
04-Na comparação dos combustíveis qual a opinião dos pesquisadores?
05-Qual se destaca em ganhos ambientais. E de que ele é extraído?

Maytê nº30
Natana nº33
Rodrigo nº40
Samanta nº41
Yuri nº45

First UK biodiesel train launched

Grupo: Adriana n° 01
Cinthia n° 05
Lucas n° 24 3° C
Lucas Nogueira n° 25
Marcos Augusto n° 27

Trabalho de Inglês sobre Reportagem

Thursday, 7 June 2007, 09:22 GMT 10:22UK

First UK biodiesel train launched

The UK's first train to run on biodiesel is going into service as part of an attempt to make rail travel more environmentally friendly.
The Virgin Voyager has been modified to run on eco-friendly fuel and the company is aiming to convert more in the future. The train uses a blended fuel which is 20% biodiesel - to reduce CO2 emissions without harming the engine.
The London-to-Llandudno passenger train left on Thursday morning. The journey was launched by prime minister-in-waiting Gordon Brown. Biodiesel is a processed fuel derived from biological sources including rapeseed, soyabean and palm oil. It is biodegradable and produces less CO2 than conventional diesel. During a six-month trial, the train will run from Birmingham to Scotland, across South Wales, North East England, the North West, the West Country, the South West and the South coast.
The experiment has been organised by Virgin Trains, the Association of Train Operating Companies and the Rail Safety and standards Board.
It's fantastic that we are leading the rest of Europe in developing this fuel
Richard Branson
If successful, Virgin hopes to convert its entire Voyager fleet to biodiesel fuel, which could cut emissions by 14%.
Virgin boss Richard Branson said the environmental impact was equivalent to taking 23,000 cars off the road At the launch, Sir Richard said: "It's fantastic that we are leading the rest of Europe in developing this fuel." He added that it was bizarre that the tax on clean fuels was higher than on dirty fuels.
"Our indications are from Gordon Brown that he will address this problem. If it is not addressed, we will have dirty fuels and the clean fuels will head abroad to countries such as France and Germany instead." He said the company hoped in future to use 100% biodiesel - equivalent to removing 100,000 vehicles from the road. Speaking ahead of the launch, Mr Brown said: "I want Britain to be a world leader in the development and use of environmentally-friendly fuels.
"I believe they will play a fundamental part in our efforts to reduce emissions and tackle climate change."

“Rede BBC News Internacional”


Fuel: Combustível
Dirty: sujo
UK: United Kingdom ( Reino Unido)
Soyabean: Óleo de Soja
Palm Oil: Óleo de Palma
Eco – Friendly Fuel: Combustível ecológico, renovável
Fleet: Frota


1- O que esse trem vai proporcionar ao povo inglês? E como isso irá acontecer

2- Qual é a estimativa de Richard Branson se esse projeto der certo?

3- O que Gordon Brown quis dizer ao falar “ eu quero que os britânicos sejam os lideres”?

4- Conforme o texto, o que é Biodiesel?

5- Qual será a rota do trem?

quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2007

A Student's Guide to Alternative Fuel Vehicles

But, what is an alternative fuel vehicle?
An alternative fuel vehicle is a vehicle that runs on alternative fuels.
So, what is an alternative fuel?

"Alternative fuels" are vehicle fuels that aren't made from petroleum. There are many kinds of fuels that vehicles can run on that aren't made from petroleum. The United States Department of Energy officially recognizes this list of alternative fuels:

* Alcohols - ethanol and methanol.
* Compressed natural gas (CNG) - natural gas under high pressure.
* Electricity - stored in batteries.
* Hydrogen - a very special type of gas.
* Liquefied natural gas (LNG) - natural gas that is very, very cold.
* Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (also called propane) - hydrocarbon gases under low pressure.
* Liquids made from coal - gasoline and diesel fuel that doesn't come from petroleum.
* Biodiesel - a lot like diesel fuel, but made from plant oil or animal fat.

Almost all of the fuel we use for transportation is made from petroleum. Gasoline and diesel fuel account for all but about one-fourth of one percent of California's transportation fuel. Most California gasoline does contain a small amount of ethyl alcohol (also called ethanol), which increases the oxygen content of the gasoline for cleaner burning.

The fact that California is nearly 100 percent dependent on petroleum for transportation could cause a serious problem, like it did in 1973 and 1979 when the gas supply was limited and the prices went up.

* California's dependence on petroleum makes us vulnerable to price and supply disruptions.

* Air quality concerns have increased the importance of alternative fuels and advanced transportation technologies like electric vehicles.

* By increasing alternative fuel use, such as natural gas and electricity, consumers have fuel choices that compete with gasoline and diesel, broaden our supply base, and have lower environmental impacts.

Natural gas is the basic energy source for some of the alternatives to petroleum. On one hand, this is good because most of the natural gas we use comes from friendly North American countries, if not the United States itself. And at the present, there seems to be a plentiful supply of natural gas. So, the supply of natural gas is relatively stable and reliable. On the other hand, natural gas is a non-renewable fossil fuel, just like petroleum and coal, and so, it too will some day be used up if people continue to use a lot of it.


recognizes: reconhece
account: cliente
which: qual
burning: queimadura
nearly: quase
disruptions: rompimentos
increased : aumentado
environmental: ambiental
plentiful: abundante
reliable: de confiança

  1. O que é um combustível alternativo?
  2. Quais são os combustiveis alternativos reconhecidos no EUA?
  3. Qual composto usado na maioria da gasolina do Canada proporcionauma queima de gasolina mais limpa?
  4. Qual a diferença do biodiesel e o diesel?
  5. O que fez com que a importancia dos combustiveis alternativos aumentasse?

Deise Carolina nº08
Philip Marques nº36

terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2007

Brazil in ethanol production vow
Brazil has vowed to increase its production of ethanol, defying calls from Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez to scale back its output.
At the end of an energy summit of South American nations, Brazil said it could double output in the next 10 years.
Mr Chavez has expressed concern about Brazil's tie-up with the US to jointly promote ethanol as an alternative fuel.
Mr Chavez said he was not opposed to biofuels as such although he disliked fuel produced from corn in the US.
'Way out'
Brazil produces the bulk of its ethanol from sugar cane, a practice which Mr Chavez has previously criticised claiming it uses up valuable land and contributes to rural poverty.
But Mr Chavez appeared to tone down criticism of his neighbour at the two-day meeting in Venezuela, focusing instead on US production methods.
Venezuela has said it will buy 200,000 barrels of ethanol a day from Brazil for use in fuel additives.
Brazil said it could potentially increase production by up to 10% a year and would lobby for the US to reduce tariffs on its imports.
"The truth is that biofuel is a way out for the poor countries of the world," said its President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Concluding their meeting, Brazil, Venezuela and eight other countries agreed to fund joint infrastructure projects and boost co-operation between state energy companies.
Vow- Voto
Bulk- Volume
Boost- Impulso
Claim- Reivindicação
1. Segundo a reportagem onde ocorreu à reunião sobre o Etanol?
2. Qual foi o acordo feito entre a Venezuela e o Brasil?
3. De quanto será o aumento de produção do etanol feito pelo Brasil por ano?
4. Qual a intenção do Brasil com esse aumento da produção do etanol?
5. Qual foi a observação feita pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva?
Daniele n° 06
Mayara n° 29
Nádia n° 31
Priscila n° 37
Samara n° 42

sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2007

Alternative Fuels

The United States has spent about $12 trillion on crude oil imports since the oil embargo in 1973. Foreign oil purchases by the United States in 1998 exceeded $50 billion for all uses. Nearly 70 percent of the oil imported into the United States is consumed in the transportation sector. The transportation sector is responsible for over half of the nation’s air pollution.

In Oregon there are over 3.1 million motor vehicles registered for roadway use. Oregonians spend more than $2 billion for transportation fuels each year. Transportation is Oregon’s single largest contributor to poor air quality, more than each of these other energy use sectors: industry, business and commercial, residential or energy production.
Alternatives to gasoline and diesel play a role in meeting our objectives of cleaner air, reducing demands on foreign petroleum and diversity of transportation fuel. The alternative fuels identified in federal mandate legislation are: ethanol, methanol, electricity, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, bio-diesel, hydrogen, or hybrid vehicles using a number of fuels. Many of these transportation fuels burn cleaner, come from renewable sources and originate in North America. Safely producing biodiesel or ethanol from renewable resources can be done in Oregon. Facilities making biodiesel are already here and ethanol facilities are not far behind

A balanced approach is needed to meet Oregon’s air quality and transportation efficiency objectives. Alternative transportation fuels provide fuels can provide lower emissions, cost savings and insulation from petroleum price variance. Purchasing more efficient lower emission gasoline powered vehicles provides benefits similar to alternative fuels, most often at a lower first cost. Reduction in the miles traveled in both fleet and private vehicles proves to be the most beneficial action.

As part of a national effort, fleet managers in Oregon and Southwestern Washington are collaborating to share information and fueling infrastructure for these new fuels. The Columbia Willamette Clean Cities Coalition serves communities of the Willamette Valley from Eugene to Vancouver Washington and from Hood River to St. Helens. The Rogue Valley Clean Cities Coalition serves Grants Pass, Medford, Phoenix, Talent, White City and Ashland. First chartered in 1993, these groups provide education, share technical information, promote alternative fuel use and help members reduce the cost of new fueling systems.


Foreign - estrangeiro
Purchase - comprar; adquirir
Role - papel; parte; função
Renewable - renovável
Sources - fontes
Approach - aproximação; acesso
Effort - esforço


1-) Quanto se gasta em combustíveis para transporte em Oregon por ano?
2-) Qual o setor responsável por cerca de metade da poluição do ar nos Estados Unidos?
3-) Quais são os combustíveis alternativos indentificados no mandato da legislação federal?
4-) De onde vêm os combustíveis alternativos? E de onde são originários?
5-) O que os combustíveis alternativos podem produzir?

Caroline Soares nº 04
Felipe Moulin nº 10
Filipe de Freitas nº 11
Jonathas Batista nº 19
Juliana Bueno nº 20