segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2007

vegetal oil as combustible for automobiles For Mario Osava* In search of a more ecological fuel Brazilian researchers explore the possibilities of biodiesel, that it uses insumos as the used oil to fry potatoes in a chain of fast food. The formula goes to allow the reduction of the emission of gases that provoke the effect greenhouse. RIO DE JANEIRO. - The used oil in the potato preparation you fry of the net McDonald' s is one of the ingredients of a new fuel that if develops in Brazil to substitute the derivatives of oil in the automobiles. From February, ten vehicles go to circulate in Rio De Janeiro, being used a mixture of 5% of vegetal oils with oil diesel. The project of the state government is in such a way to increase the number of users of the new fuel - called biodiesel - how much the ratio of vegetal oils in the mixture to use to advantage integrally its advantages for the environment, economic and social. The goal of the Virtual Institute of Climatic Changes, a technological center of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, that carries through the research, is to create conditions so that the engines are fed with biodiesel pure. That is, a fuel elaborated solely with oils of grains and biomass. The first proportionate benefit for this alternative fuel is ambient, therefore its emission of carbon dioxide is 78% inferior to the one of the oil diesel. In this manner, it will have a contribution for the reduction of the gases that provoke the effect greenhouse, that increases the temperature of the Land. Moreover, biodiesel eliminates 98% of sulphur, what it allows to still more reduce the pollution provoked for the fuel burning. Its use will facilitate the installation of catalysers in the vehicles that use fuel diesel, today impossible had to the extreme sulphur escape, explained to the Terramérica Luciano Bastos, coordinator of the project. A curious fact, and another advantage, is that the used oil is also used to advantage already. The research of the Institute and the ten first vehicles of tests use insumos supplied for the net McDonald' s. The project will continue counting, in next the two years with a monthly donation to at least 25 a thousand liters of used oil, used to fry potatoes in 40 store of the net installed in the region metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro. This possibility to use greasy residues can reduce the ambient pollution, but she is necessary to surpass the collection difficulties. But it is possible in areas metropolitans and with great suppliers, Bastos observes. The project made right for the Federal University, governmental entities and the Petrobras intends to give massive use biodiesel, starting for the State of Rio De Janeiro. This goal very demands superior volumes to the possible contribution of the restaurants. The vegetal oil consumption in Brazil arrives the 3,5 billion liters per year, while of oil diesel is of 36 billion liters, alert Bastos. The exploitation of the residues of the kitchens would provide only ten million annual liters, due to dispersion of the sources. So that the alternative fuel is a reality, she is necessary to multiply the agricultural production. Therefore, the Secretariat of the Agriculture of Rio De Janeiro placed to the disposal of the agriculturists 500 hectares in the North of the State for the maize plantation, castor-oil plant and sunflower.


1-Que vantagesn trazem esse combustível?

2-Ele é mais econômico?

3-Ele pode se tornar comercializado a população?

4-Vitrazer mais rendimento aos seus produtos?

5-Seu rendimento será maior?


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