quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2007

Alternative fuels

Alternative fuels

Alternative fuels, also know as non- conventional fuels, are any material or substance that cam be used as a sourse of energy instead of fossil fuels or conventional fuels. These fossil fuels include petroleum (oil), coal, propane and natural gas and are largely employed as vehicle fuel and in industry as well.
Nowadays, the reseach for alternative fuels has been increased once conventional fuels have had an important role in many problems, mainly environment, economic and geopolitical ones. Firstly, the combustion process of these compounds yeasts carbon dioxide, one of the most important gases associated to the greenhouse effect. The infrared rays, which come fron the sun every day, are absorved by these gases resulting in global warning. Moreover, the incomplete combustion yeasts carbon monoxide, a dangerous subtances that links to hemoglobim molecule in the blood, impairing the oxygen transport to the many body's tissue. The smock, also produced by these partial combustion, contains a lot of cancinogenic compounds, increasing the cases of respiratory tract cancer.
Another concern in the problem of "peak oil", which predicts a rising cost of oil derived fuels caused by severe shortages of oil during an age of growing energy consumption. Accordingto the "peat oil" phenomenon, the demand for oil will exceed supply and this gap will continue to grow, which could cause a growing energy crisis by the year 2010 or 2020.
Lastly, the majority of petroleum reserves are located in the Middle East. The massive exploration for oil in this region could lead to more conflicts and wars.
Considering these factors, the non- conventional fuels are now an alternative less hamfull to the enviroment, once they produce less toxic and polluent gases. Also, many of these fuels are renewable, being an interesting alternative to economic and geopolitical troubles caused by the fossil ones. This change may lead us to a new age of better quality of life.


coal: carvão de pedra
concern: concernir, interesse, assunto
environment: ambiente
gap: brecha, passagem estreita
greenhouse effect: efeito estufa
harmful: nocivo, prejudicial
impairing: deteriorando, prejudicando, danificar
nowadays: atualmente, hoje em dia
peak oil: auge do óleo
propane: propano (gás)
tissues: tecidos

1) Em relação aos combustíveis convencionais, quais os problemas causados pelo processo de combustão?
2) O que ocorrerá em meados de 2010 em relaçao ao "peak oil"?
3) Como são produzidos os combustíveis alternativos?
4) Onde se localizam as maiores reservas de petróleo? E o que a exploração em massa, deste combustível causa?
5) De acordo com o texto, os combustíveis renováveis são:
a) Criados a partir da junção de combustíveis alternativos com combustíveis convencionais resultando com combustíveis fósseis.
b) Uma nova alternativa menos prejudicial ao meio ambiente.
c) Causam grandes conflitos no Oriente Médio.
Danilo Lopes - n° 07 3°C
Ester Magalhães - n° 09
Gabriela Futemma - n° 14
Helder Celso - n° 16
Kamila Filareto - n° 21

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