sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2007

Biography of Mamonas Assassinas

We were in the year of 1995 and already it made a good time that the Rock was not more the sensation of the moment. But five youngsters would come to change the musical scene of the time. In a meteoric career, never a band made as much success in so little time. The Mamonas Assassinas had been responsible for one of the biggest record sales in Brazil. In a short space of time they venderam 1 million of copies more than and had reached a thundering success. Before the fame, Julio Rasec, Blessed Hinoto and the brothers Samuel Reoli and Sergio Reoli, they formed in Guarulhos - SP, a band called Utopia specialized in covers Rush and Urban Legion. During a presentation in a gymnasium of the city the public asked for so that they made to cover of the band Guns N'Roses. As none of them wise person the letter, had called somebody the auditorium to go up to palco and to sing. A youngster who took care of for Dinho if presented, but it also not wise person the letter of music. He took the public to the outbursts of laughter with the palhaçadas ones that he made, with this finished being invited to be part of the band. The Utopia started to make periodic presentations for the city of São Paulo. They had participated of regional televising programs and they had arrived until recording a record that did not vendeu more than one hundred copies. The Utopia if characterized for the seriousness of its musics, but as they had not obtained to reach the waited success had decided to invest in a radical change. It was not a difficult task, therefore all already had for nature a joking spirit and also already they had written diverse musics with funny letters to play with friends and relatives. The first step was to modify the name of the band. Between options as the Cangaceiros Of Your Father, Coraçõezinhos Pressed, an Inspector of Red Zé and Tangas, had finished choosing Mamonas Assassinas, there fore according to vocalista it was the name that more made them to laugh. Who is deceived thinks that the name was inspired in those green and espinhentas celebrities frutinhas. In the truth the name meant seios great as it can be identified in the name in English who had created for the band: The Killer Big Breasts. They had recorded a ribbon demon and they had sent for diverse recorders. Of beginning all, but Rafael had been rejected by To sound, friend of the band, baterista of the group Cosmic Dribble, were son of the artistic director of EMI-Odeon, August João To sound, and were through it that João knew the sound of the Mamonas and decided to invest in that irreverent group. They had signed contract and in April of 95 they had launched the first and only auto-intitled record, where piadinhas was enclosed of musics until gratefulness in encarte. With the work of an assessor of the press contracted for the entrepreneur of the group (and practically the sixth Mamona) Rick Bonadio, they had made its first appearance for Brazil in the program Jô Soares Eleven and Half one. From the success it was inevitable there. The record started to vender as water due to the success of the band "Vira-Vira", a music that counts the sexual adventures of a Portuguese couple in a parody of the singer, also Portuguese, Loyal Robert. This was first music to blow up, but it did not delay very so that all the bands of the record were in the mouth of all. "Bare in Saints", "Chopis Centis", "Animal World", "Robocop Gay", "Saturday of Sun", among others were executed the exhaustion in the radios of all Brazil. In diverse Dinho musics it made perfect imitations of famous Brazilian singers, as Belchior na band "a Arlinda Woman". They were in average five shows per week, were in the layers of the magazines most important of Brazil and the presentations in television programs if they had become frequent. Clearly that the critical musical comedy was horrified with the success of a band as the Mamonas Assassinas. Ridicule and clowns of music were tachados of, but the public was not there nor. With a noise pop/rock that in some songs they mixed diverse elements of other musical styles, passed of hard rock to heavy metal without difficulties. Creative arrangements, escrachadas and amused letters had conquered young, adults, aged and children. But a fatídico accident would come to interrupt the career of the young of Guarulhos. In 2 of March of 1996 the band came back of its last presentation in the country, in Brasilia, of where they would leave for one turnê in Portugal, when the Learjet airplane where they travelled if shocked with the Mountain range of the Cantareira in São Paulo. This event shocked Brazil. As much sadness in the country of this was not seen almost the death of pilot Ayrton Senna two years behind. Millions of people had folloied everything for the TV, since the rescue of the bodies until the burial in the city of Guarulhos. In the velório they had been thousand of people if espremendo to give the last good bye that if they had become ídolos national. After this the Mamonas they had launched dolls, books, CD-ROM, album of figurinhas and an unknown coletânea with versions to the living creature of some musics and bands. The Titãs had arrived to record to cover Ten More of music "Bare in Saints" in the album "". Until today critical studious musical comedies and of the society if they ask as it was that a Assassinas group as the Mamonas reached as much success between all the etárias and social bands of our population. All look an explanation for the thundering fame that the group reached. It would be the musical style? They would be the letters of musics? It would be the irreverência of its integrant ones? He will be that the people was needing joy? She will be that they were only one fashion passenger? But they had become a myth due to the accident that interrupted its lives drastically?

Grupo: Brunno nº03; Flávia nº12; Greicielle nº15; Paolla nº34 e Renato nº39.

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